
Course Objectives

Application Architecture

Understand how to structure apps using appropriate design patterns for scalability, maintainability, and code organization.

Native Development

Understand the specifics of developing apps natively for Android and iOS, maximizing performance and platform-specific features.

App Deployment

Learn how to publish apps to app stores (Google Play Store, Apple App Store) and manage the submission process.

Student Testimonials

Frequently Asked Questions.

Is the program certified? Will I have a certificate?

All of our programs are certified and our certificate is recognized nationwide and by our recruiting partners. In addition to the certificate, we help you get a professional portfolio that will help you get hired.

Who are your instructors?

All our instructors are chosen on the basis of their technical and educational skills. They will ensure your training is efficient and effective, by monitoring and validating your progress throughout the course.

Can I join one of the programs remotely?

No. We only offer physical Trainings for now